Sunday, 7 April 2013

Weekly Summary, 31st March-7th April.

So here is my first proper blog post of 2013!

I'm going to do a weekly summary hopefully, and see where this gets me, there'll be other posts on days out, shopping trips, nights out (including OOTD and FOTD posts), but for now, just weekly entries.

Sunday, March 31st.
Last Sunday was just an average sort of day for me. I had work, 9am-1pm, which is nothing to shout about. I did have a fun shift though, it was so quiet due to the hot weather, so there was four of us on, and in the end I got sent to wash the windows. With the equipment the window cleaners use. I've never had so much fun, ever, which just goes to show how thrilling my life is.
I washed my way around the lounge, then took myself into the function room and did the back bar and mirrors. I can now officially put 'Window Cleaner' on my CV. 
It was also Bank Holiday weekend! Woooohooo! This was the perfect excuse to go out and show off my Easter Present from my parents, and to catch up with friends I hadn't seen since Christmas/last summer!
Shoes - Barratts (had them for years)

I felt very sixties in my little look, beehive, sixties makeup, even the dress. My hair was literally just backcombed to hell, then I put the bottom half into a little bun, but by the end of the night the bun was out because of dancing like a moron to cheesy 90s music. I had a lovely catch up with girls I went to school with, and bumped into a few good friends.

Monday, April 1st.
Last Monday was relatively uneventful. I stayed in bed all day, then had to drag my tired little backside out of bed to go to work for a little four hour shift. Nothing too painful, and ended up having a nice early night because of the night before.

Tuesday, April 2nd.
I planned for Tuesday to be my lovely relaxing day, but in the end I got pressured into going up the fields with the dog. Thought 'excellent, I'll just wear my jeggings and a blouse then I'm ready to go out after'. No. Got up the field, my Archie spotted another dog, ran after it, dragging me behind him and I fell flat on my face in the mud. That sparked an outfit change, unfortunately I can't remember what I changed too, but it was just for chilling round the house, then going shopping in. I didn't have a particularly successful shopping trip either, I just bought a couple of bottles of Argan Oil for my hair and went home.

Wednesday, April 3rd.
Wednesday was a boring day. I worked 9am-5pm, came home, had some dinner and went to the pub, came home and went to bed. That's how riveting my day was.

Thursday, April 4th.
Another 9-5 at work, but this time I'd been woken up for my shift with the new some monsters had egged my car. 
Mam: Cath, wake up, you need to go to the car wash after work, someone's egged it.
Cat: Hah, good one mam, April Fool was Monday.
Mam: Nono, really, your car has been egged.
Sure enough, got outside, egg splattered on my windscreen and roof. The people who did that are a word I'm too nice to say.
Got in from work, my mam jumped straight in my car and took me to the car wash, got my little car all nice and clean, then got in the house to find my mam had fully tidied my room! It was a lovely surprise, my room is always untidy and she'd cleaned it and tidied all 15 drawers and 3 double wardrobes!
Thursday night I just had a quiet night in,nothing to shout from the rooftops about.

Friday, April 5th.
Now this is slightly worrying. I haven't got the first clue what I did on Friday. It was two days ago.
I seem to remember lying in bed doing university work. However, I don't know if I dreamed this, as I know I had a dream about writing an essay on Critical Approaches to Literature. I seem to remember just snuggling down on the night and watching DVDs, my life is so exciting.

Saturday, April 6th.
I got roped into working. After my shift on Thursday, I got asked to work a 2pm-10pm shift on Saturday as we had a last minute function organised. Originally I twisted my face. My manager then informed me it was for football teams. I changed my mind, and was suddenly thrilled to work. It was a good function to do! Plenty of good looking boys and I got to see my cousin Elizabeth and her friends, so it wasn't too bad!
The only downside to my shift was the long empty period from 2pm-7pm, when there was four of us working the lounge and only a handful of customers in, so I was wandering from department to department complaining. Went in the kitchen, called the chef a 'bad human being' for winding me up, and ended up on my back, being sat on by the said chef, while he tried to kiss me. I screamed the place down, and everyone on the bar just left me! One of the other chefs stood and watched him! They're bad people too.

Sunday, April 7th.
I had to work today. 9am-1pm, which was a nice little shift, it was quiet again cos of the sunny weather, so mostly I just sat at the end of the bar and complained that I was bored. After my shift, I went to the Sunderland-Chelsea match with my parents, ended up heading home to put hair treatments on ready for my haircut this week, and here I am.

This week probably hasn't been the best week to blog about, but it's a start. Once I'm back to university next week, I'll be hopefully on a roll with things to discuss.


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